Why is it time? How is this over all ready?
As I've said before (many times) I love Katrina's Fall Into Reading Challenge because it focuses me at the tail end of my reading year.
So, to get to the point, how'd I do? I did interestingly. My list and the results:

1. Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe (linked to my review)
I re-read this one and really appreciated it. In fact, it made my list of Top Ten Favorite Reads in 2012.
2. Jewel of Persia
I didn't get to this one, as I explained HERE.
3. A Christmas Carol
Completed. (It's an easy read!) This one is the book of the month for the Reading to Know Book Club and we'll be discussing it next week. You still have plenty of time to read it if you like! It's a quick one.

4. The Story of Ain't: America, Its Language, and the Most Controversial Dictionary Ever Published
Just didn't happen.
5. Marvel Comics: The Untold Story, by Sean Howe (Linked to my review.)
I rather wish that one didn't happen.
6. And Now We Shall Do Manly Things, by Craig J. Heimbuch (Linked to my partial review.)
As I explained, I wanted to like this one. But I couldn't. Regrettably.
7. Double Blind (Linked to my review)
My first Brandilyn Collins book. I won't say it will be my last but I probably won't be reading another of her books anytime soon.
8. The Midwife of Hope River (Linked to my review over at 5 Minutes for Books.)
I liked it on the whole.

9. The Second World War, Volume 2: Their Finest Hour
Why do I even keep mentioning this one? I'm just torturing myself. I want to read it. I just have to make the time and I haven't done that yet.
10 and 11. Horton's Miraculous Mechanisms and Horton's Incredible Illusions (Linked to my reviews.)
Liked them both! Highly recommended middle grade reader.
12. One More Sunrise
I've carried this book with me all over my house. Some days it sits on my desk, some days it's next to the bed. Other times I find it on the kitchen table. Yet it remains unread.
13. Choosing Gratitude
A hoped for re-read that hasn't happened. Actually, what happened was that I picked it up and re-read the first chapter and realized it was going to require some hefty attention. I wasn't able to give it adequate attention and haven't picked it back up.
14. Angels in the Architecture: A Protestant Vision for Middle Earth
I keep mentioning that I really want to read this. So, I finally decided that enough was enough and I was just going to read it already! I sat down and struggled through the first chapter. I once mentioned this as one of my Top Ten Spiritual Growth Books. And I realized when I started reading it again that I had already internalized it as much as I needed to. It was once hugely inspirational to me and it did, in fact, change my worldview. However, this worldview has become so much a part of who I am that I wasn't moved nearly as much in the second reading as my first. The first read was revolutionizing and the second just sounded like something I already knew.
This being a very odd realization to me, I decided not to re-read the book. I think I will do best re-reading it alongside my kids when they become old enough to find the information useful and applicable. But for the moment, I'm good with it. There are other areas of life which I need to focus on and I didn't want to spend the time rehashing information I've already come to terms with.
Of course I read plenty of books which were NOT on my Fall Into Reading list, but this post merely concludes the challenge. I read 50% of the books on the list. I don't rightly know whether or not I should feel bad about that. One thing I do know is that I'm not going to let guilt weigh me down. ;)
Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!!
I'd say you did fairly well! I changed my challenge a lot over the course of the fall and that's the main reason I finished, though personally my goal was more about reading a certain amount and reading books that I already owned so changing a few titles didn't bother me too much. Merry Christmas!
I know you are reading constantly, so no guilt needed about not completing a list. Sometimes it is just not the right time for certain books -- for some books the right time never comes. :-)
A-hem, you're a little ahead of the ballgame, wouldn't you say?! :)
I didn't get to my Winston Churchill either. It was just never the one I chose to pick up.
Love seeing your list and your reasoning for the books you read, didn't read, liked and didn't like.
You did better than me! And you've reminded me of a couple I had wanted to add to my want to read lists.
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