This year I wanted to try Turkish Delight made by someone other than myself. This treat is supposed to be a favorite treat of English children and surely they couldn't like the stuff that I concocted in my kitchen. I figured we were definitely missing something and it was time to figure out exactly what.
I opted to purchase this box of Turkish Delight
The general consensus? Turkish Delight is DELICIOUS!!!
The kids are wildly enthusiastic about our reading time at the moment because it involves CANDY! They grin whenever it is mentioned in the book. I think that's just plain fun. And sometimes you just need to have fun.
When I placed the order on Amazon for our box of these goodies, I didn't order just one, but two! I figured if they were half decent I'd share a box with one of you. I think you and yours are likely going to love them and then you, too, can understand why it is that they were always on Edmund's mind.
Would you like to win a box of Turkish Delight to share with your family? (Or possibly to hoard for yourself? They really are quite yummy.)
Simply leave a comment below!
This contest will be open to US Residents only and will remain open through Tuesday, July 30th. I'll announce the winner at the conclusion of the Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge.
My personal favorite is the rose flavored one but I'm letting Bookworm3 eat most of those. She insists those are hers because they are PINK! How can you argue with that?
Also, here's a really weird song on the topic which you can risk getting stuck in your head if you like.
THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. THE WINNER (as selected by IS Laura Book Snob. Congrats!
I saw some Turkish delight just last week or the week before at TJ Maxx or Ross or some place like that. Why didn't I buy it? I think I anticipate it being gross, so I just don't even consider it. Now I wish I had bought it!
Ah, well. Sign me up!
You are so fun! I love the idea of eating it as part of the read-aloud time.
I have been a huge flop for this month's reading challenges. July is always hard on me, but the WitW auido book was a dramatization that I couldn't follow. (M couldn't either...we stopped.) My WitW is abridged. Ugh. Need to get to the library. AND I can't find my giant volume of Narnia. BUT, I may begin a Narnia-related book. :)
Regarless, I would LOVE to try this!!
thhissimplemom at gmail dot com
I think I had Turkish Delight on my Amazon wishlist at one point.
I bought my dad a big box of it for Christmas.
I do love it!
World Market generally has Turkish Delight during the holidays.
You definitely MUST have the rose water in the recipe. Here in CA, it is really easy to find - Mediterranean stores are everywhere - but you can also make it yourself in a pinch.
Don't enter me in the drawing, because I have my own source. Just wanted to comment ;)
Ooh, I would love to win some Turkish Delight! I've always loved the hoopla Edmund made over it, thinking it must have been some sort of wonderful.
That is so awesome!! What a great idea! I myself have never tried Turkish delight and would love to win. I love to read aloud to my kids and as they get older it is getting harder to do as they are not as interested. Candy is a great way to entice them and to bring the book alive. LOVE IT!
booksnobsblog at gmail dot com
PS. I read book #1 The Magicians nephew and just foun the second book at the thrift store yesterday. Yahoo!
I would love to try them. After reading about them in several books, I am curious as to how they taste.
I've never heard of them. They sound good. Jan W.
I love Turkish delight. Pistachio is also good. There used to be a candy store that would take the rose flavored and dip it in dark chocolate. That was my favorite, and I haven't found it since.
thanks for the chance to win
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I'd love to try it! We've had some success with making it at home, but I'd love to try some "professional" Turkish Delight.
How very fun--what a fun mom you are! My kiddos would love this.
And while I didn't make the foray into Narnia this month, I did read The Great Divorce which. was. amazing!! I can't stop thinking about it, even though it was a little depressing.
Sounds fun! We haven't started reading Narnia yet, but we have the whole set! Currently the boys are all reading the Mouse and the Motorcycle series. When they requested the first one again I just went ahead and bought the whole set off Amazon. :) I love that they love to read and it's something Daddy loves too so he actually gets to do it while I put the girls to bed. :)
Oh I'd love some! And I agree with Bookworm three, I'd like the pink ones too. I am very excited to hear this song.
I've wanted to try making some, but maybe it would be best to try the real thing first! Thanks for the giveaway!
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