As I said, A Godward Heart
Unlike other devotionals I've seen, A Godward Heart
Piper describes the reason for why he decided to write this devotional (as opposed to a regular book format with a cohesive theme):
"One of the reasons I put together collections of short meditations is that my life has been changed as much by paragraphs as by books. Books on one topic are valuable. They let the author explore all the angles of an insight. But where do the insights themselves come from? Usually they come from paragraphs. Even sentences. For reasons not entirely explainable, God can make a single paragraph life changing." (Introduction - A Word to the Reader)
In his short meditations (on any variety of topics) he is careful always to take his readers back to Scripture as the final authority. He also explains why He does that:
"It is a great wonder that God still speaks today through the Bible with greater force and greater glory and greater assurance and greater sweetness and greater hope and greater guidance an greater transforming power and greater Christ-exhalting truth than can be heard through any voice in any human soul on the planet from outside the Bible." (The Morning I Heard the Voice of God, page 4)
Piper's passion for the Lord screams through this book in a very appropriate manner, I think. The effect that it had on me is currently incalculable. However, I can say without a doubt that He inspired me to get in the Word and stay there. (Quite frankly, for a person who loves words and stories so much, I have a hard time staying in Scripture.) I found I actually preferred to have my morning devotional begin with Piper because his life in Christ is so encouraging to me. I would begin my quiet time by reading one meditation and then would open up the Word with a greater sense of wonder and a stronger belief that the only way to get through my day was if I read the Bible. Of course, I know that to be true whether or not I'm reading a Piper devotional but I don't think I should sneer at the gift just because I think I should have self discipline in my own right (which I should) as it is. I accept A Godward Heart
Christ is the glory we were made to see. His light alone will fill us and give the light of life and meaning to every part of our lives. And when that happens, we ourselves will shine and give off the rays of Christ. "If then your whole body is full of light, having no part of dark, it will be wholly bright, as when a lamp with its rays give you light" (v. 36).
Lord, open the eyes of our hearts to see the supreme greatness of your wisdom and power. Make our eyes good. Heal our blindness. Fill us with the all-pervading, all-exposing, all-purifying, all-pleasing light of your presence." (Be Careful, Lest the Light in You Be Darkness, p. 31)
If you are looking for a new devotional, I present this one for your consideration. I found it to be beneficial in inspiring me in my Christian faith and also in shaping and solidifying several of my stray thoughts. I highly recommend it.
Many thanks to Multnomah Publishing Company who sent a copy of this book my direction in exchange for my honest thoughts. I have received no additional compensation for this post and all opinions are my own.
This does sound like a good one. I don't agree with all of Piper's views, but I have been blessed by his heart and passion for God. I don't think I have ever read an entire book of his, either, except one about Job that was actually a long poem, but I've enjoyed some of his blog and twitter posts.
Like Barbara, I'm not exactly on the same doctrinal page as Piper, but I, too, appreciate his passion. I think I'd like to read this one.
I have this one, and I'm kind of ashamed to say I did not know it was a devotional. It's one of those books I think I just picked up somewhere. I'm glad I know!
This does sound like a good read. I too am not a big fan of devotionals. I have tried, I really have. I start out at the beginning of the year, read for the first two weeks, and then get irritated. A lot of devotionals really try to stretch the content over the course of a year and it feels like most of the devotionals are filler. Bleh. But this one sounds like it might be worth giving it a try!
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