Time for another nightstand with
5 Minutes for Books! (Sigh.)
Last month I learned that by saying that I'll take less review copies doesn't mean I should exist without A Plan. I didn't accomplish as much reading as I meant to somehow. So this month I'll try coming up with a more reasonable, thought-out PLAN and see how that goes.
Last month I said I wanted to read the following:
Little House on the Prairie
in conjunction with the
Reading to Know Book Club and Barbara's
Laura Ingalls Wilder Reading Challenge. I opted instead to read
On the Banks of Plum Creek
aloud to my kiddoes, which is the title we were on. We're about halfway through with the book and I should have my review written and up by the end of the week!
The Passion of Jesus Christ
by John Piper. I am reading this one as a morning devotional and I am halfway through this.
The Complete Father Brown Stories
by G.K. Chesterton. I haven't made much progress with this one simply because the stories don't conclude in a manner that I am tracking with. I discovered when I first started these stories that I had to read several in a row to stay in tune with Chesterton and lately I've tried reading only one story at a time. I think it would be best if I just plowed on through and read them straight as opposed to reading a story here or there. I'll plan to finish this project in the coming month.
The One Year Chronological Bible
. I'm on track with my reading thus far, being in the book of Leviticus at present. I'm reading the New Living Translation which wouldn't have been my first preference but it was the "chronological" Bible that I found a copy of at the best price. It's interesting reading this version. (I am used to the NKJV but have switched to the ESV of late.) I really am enjoying reading the Bible through chronologically.
Moving on to this coming month (finally) I will attempt to tackle the following stack:
The Little White Horse
, by Elizabeth Goudge. I have been
waiting to read this one aloud with my kids. This title is the Reading to Know Classics Book Club pick for the month of March. Stephanie from
Simple Things will be leading the discussion and we'd love to have you read along with us if you are interested!
Mission at Nuremberg: An American Army Chaplain and the Trial of the Nazis
, by Tim Townsend. I accepted this one for review because,
really, how could I
The Romanov Bride: A Novel
. I am
SO EXCITED about this one! It's the third in a series by Robert Alexander which I have been wanting to read for
FOREVER (or, three years)! The first title I read (and l.o.v.e.d) was
The Kitchen Boy. (Linked to thoughts.) The second was
Rasputin's Daughter which was unpleasantly weird but also intriguing in a horrible way. I can't say I recommend the second as whole heartedly as the first in the series. I found a copy of
The Romanov Bride at Goodwill last week (joy of joys!) and it's all I have managed to do to hold off while finishing up a few other titles I was working on.
Gleanings In Genesis
, by A.W. Pink. I've been chipping away at this title since the end of December and I'd like to finish it off in March.
Giants: Sons of the Gods
which I fully intend to read unless someone presents me with a very good reason not to. A friend was telling us about this book and I've just ordered it. It's the topic which is totally occupying my mind at present and I can't wait for the book to arrive so that we can devour it. Just the *idea* (which is not a new one, although this title is newly published) is thrilling me endlessly.
Then I would like to finish up
The Complete Father Brown series as well. Beyond those books, we'll see what else can be squeezed in. I'm so looking forward to my reads this month though. It'll be a fun reading month!
What's on YOUR nightstand? As always, I can't wait to find out!
Every time I make a reading plan, it seems to go out the window. Unless I make the target so big that I can't help but hit at least part of it.
And now that I've mixed my imagery completely, I'll wish you good luck in March.
A reading plan helps but for me it has to have some flexibility or else I feel stifled. The reading challenges I've sign up for this year help because there is a variety of books that can be read in any order, but just having them on a list for the year is motivating me to work on them.
I'm looking forward to The Little White Horse. I've never read Goudge but I've seen many bloggers speak highly of her.
I want to read the Bible chronologically some time. I've been reading through in different versions (NASB last time, ESV this time), but maybe next time I'll find a chronological one.
I have found if I don't make a plan..."I plan to fail". I just am more driven to accomplish if there is a plan.
Sounds like some really great reading ahead of you! I too am reading Chronologically. I have the Bible Gateway App on my phone and every morning my scriptures are ready for me to read. I started January 1 and am currently in Numbers...{{sigh}}
Happy Reading! :)
Planning for reading is difficult here too. I make sure to plan time for specific books but leave plenty of time for rabbit trails and that seems to help.
The Little White Horse sounds interesting - I'll have to see if I can find that at my library.
I am VERY(!!!!) curious about Giants! I can't wait to see your thoughts on it.
I'm a little mad at myself for not getting a copy of Little White Horse before embracing my "book buying ban". I'm determined to round up a copy somehow, though, because I really want to read it. :)
Re: Mission at Nurenburg. Yes, indeed, how could you not?
I am currently going on the "no plan" approach--but am trying to be more intentional about participating in the book club and various people's book challenges as a way of staying reading and keeping blogging amidst busyness.
Thanks for reminding me about The Passion of Jesus Christ again. I have it on my shelf half-read; it would probably make a great book to read during Lent...
"Just the *idea* (which is not a new one, although this title is newly published) is thrilling me endlessly." I love how we true bibliophiles can get so excited over books. :) I'm definitely in the club.
I think you're going to love Little White Horse!
I still want to read those Russian novels you keep going on and on about. ;-)
Happy reading!
You have been patient indeed in holding off on the Romanov Bride. I really enjoyed it. He does such a great job mixing Russian history into a really engaging story. Hope you like it. I'll look forward to your review!
Ack! I completely forgot about the Nightstand post! Of course, that's partly because I couldn't figure out if today is Monday or Tuesday. ;)
You have a great reading list. I'm still waiting for The Little White Horse to come available at the library. I put it on hold three weeks ago and it hasn't come available yet. :( I think they only have one copy, maybe two, in the entire county. Hopefully I'll get it before March is out!
Gleanings In Genesis sounds really interesting, as does Mission at Nuremberg. I can't wait to hear what you think of them!
Enjoy The Little White Horse. It is a favorite in our house.
One day I'm going to get around to Father Brown.
I was PLANNING to do a March Nightstand post. . .but I never got around to it! It seems my blog has been relegated to an adoption journey blog this last month. ;)
Anyway, I hope to read The Little White Horse this month--I haven't gotten to any of the RTK Bookclub selections this year!! Other books I'd like to get through this month include:
--Trim Healthy Mama
--What's It Like to be Married to Me
--Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full (for review)
--What's Your Worldview (for review)
--and Talk Before Sleep (recommended by a dear reader friend who recently learned she has a brain tumor)
There, does that count as a post?! :)
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