I have a growing stack of titles-to-be-written-about and they are glaring at me mercilessly. I almost feel guilty towards them. At the same time, I know myself well enough to know that I should only write when the mood strikes or else I feel resentful about stringing together words. Better to feel guilty than bitter. (HA!)
That explained, it's now been too many days since I finished reading these books to tell you in great detail what I thought of them. I also know myself well enough to know that I don't write something down about them, I'm likely to forget them all together.
Below is my personal compromise with myself:

Fun series. I'm debating whether or not to hand it over to my 7 1/2 year old or hold off for a year or so more. He's kind of in a reading slump and said reading is "boring" which is a horrifying word to be paired with books. So I think I ought to give him something that is more exciting. The Incorrigible Children are definitely exciting! I'm still enjoying this series and can't wait to see where it goes.
If all else fails, maybe I'll make a bunch of LEGO sets using the millions of LEGOs which we have on hand to build scenes in books to increase his interest levels. (HA x 2!)
The Romanov Bride
In The Romanov Bride
Additional note: You can skip the second title if you feel like you want to. You won't miss very much if you choose to do that. There are a few references to Rasputin in The Romanov Bride
The other day I wanted to read something short, quick and happy (to feel as if I accomplished some reading) and so I picked out Goody Hall
Goody Hall tells the story of a mother and son who live in a grand house on the outskirts of town. They have no friends and keep to themselves. The only thing the townspeople really know is that the husband/father died about five years back and that his relatives have kept to themselves since his death. One day a man by the name of Hercules Feltwright wonders into town and he is hired to be the young lad's tutor. A mystery is discovered pretty much immediately upon Feltwright entering the house. Is the father dead, or isn't he?
It would be a sort of fun book but the use of a medium is included to discover whether or not daddy is really dead. I've already talked about how I feel about the use of mediums so no need to repeat. Then, also, the story wraps up rather abruptly which I found to be a little unsatisfying. It felt like there was a great deal of build up only to have everything summarized too neatly, too fast.
I accomplished my purpose on this one: I read a book in an afternoon. But I'll probably never re-read this particular title ever again.
There. We're documented at any rate, even if my thoughts fail to go very deep on any of these particular reads. It's something! Right?
I'm enjoying the Ashtown Place Series as well...I got them through the library! Thanks for the recommendation. I'm going to let my children listen to them on audio book as we are reading SO much out loud right now that my poor voice needs a break! :) I also enjoyed The Search for Delicious! Thanks for the reviews...
Unfortunately one of the Ashton Place books has a medium - I can't remember which one. :-/ That's been the only major flaw I have found with them so far.
Our son is 7.5 also. He recently enjoyed reading the Roland Wright series by Tony Davis. Fun, clean, easy reads about a boy becoming a knight.
I can 100% relate to your struggles with being behind in reviewing books, but having neither the time nor inclination to "catch up". We are in this season together, yet again, my friend! :)
I knew you'd love the Romanov Bride!
And I totally could have written the opening disclaimer to this post myself. I have missed quite a few reviews this year due to the fact of procrastinating them and then the mood (and remembrance) was gone as I involved myself in other titles. I laughed out loud at the "better to feel guilty than bitter".
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