Trying to find some books about Iceland proved a little bit more difficult than I would have thought. Maybe the task wasn't supposed to be as difficult as I found it to be, but it did take a significant amount of web browsing to collect the following titles. We thought we'd share them with others, just in case you too are planning a trip to Iceland, and/or are learning more about the country for a geography study, and/or because you want to know more about this land where Vikings made their home.
We have several of the Country Explorer books so it made sense to add the one on Iceland
This specific book on Iceland tells you about their folk beliefs, the religion found in the area, what they eat, notable wildlife and a short explanation of the language spoken. (There is no way on earth we'll be able to say a single word correctly in Icelandic. Check out this short Youtube video of a few common phrases. (Well, maybe we can at least say "hello" to people.)
Half a Kingdom: An Icelandic Folktale
As you might guess, it is she who finds the prince and helps to rescue him from his captures. It is a happily ever after sort of tale.
Puffling Patrol
Bookworm1 hopes to catch a glimpse of puffins while on our travels. And yes, he is aware of the fact that Icelanders also eat puffins.
Here's a video explaining more about the Puffling Patrol:
Elfwyn's Saga
I liked this story quite a bit but I don't think the kids were as "into it" as I was.
The childrens' favorite books were the one immediately above and below. They really enjoyed The Problem With Chickens
It should be noted that these books are written by an American author but they are set in Iceland. They are illustrated by famed Icelandic artist, Gunnella.
In the first title we meet the ladies from Iceland who are having a difficult time collecting eggs for them to use use. They try collecting from the birds on the cliff but that proves rather problematic. So the ladies decide to bring chickens to the island to keep them well supplied with convenient eggs. The problem arises when the chickens begin thinking that they are humans and fail to lay. The ladies have to get a little crafty to get the hens laying again.
In the second title the ladies are back with their chickens, both being blown about by the wind which sweeps over Iceland. The ladies decide that they need to plant trees to help block the wind. The problem this time is that the sheep are eating up all of the saplings and eventually the ladies have to settle for trees growing up in town but not in the countryside.
My kids absolutely loved these two titles. They giggled and laughed throughout the reading of both, leaving me with these words to say unto you: highly recommended.
If any of you out there have some additional titles to recommend on or about Iceland that you have found particularly enjoyable, well, I'm all ears! Do share your suggestions in the comment section below.
Other posts of interest:
*Viking Picture Books and Resources
Your vacation sounds SOOOO marvelous!!! Iceland! (shaking head in amazement)
I think I might share the childrens' opinion and am curious how the Iceland native would have illustrated his/her homeland.
I'm getting more and more excited for y'all and your trip. :D I love how prepared education wise you're getting for it, too.
You have no idea how insanely jealous I am that you're getting to stop in Iceland. That's towards the top of my "To-Visit" list. :D
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