I found Lilliput
As I said, this is a very entertaining and engaging story and I enjoyed it thoroughly. It does have one particular theme which makes for talking points should you wish to read this for yourself or hand it over to your children. Lily, a prisoner, realizes that she's not the only one in the world who is trapped into bad circumstances.
"She learned that the world was full of cages, and not all were built of iron. Some where made of lies or promises or secrets or questions." (Chapter 15, Wound-Down Clocks & a Waste-Not Watch, pages 90-91)
This theme pops up with some degree of regularity causing the reader to pause and try to understand what point the author is wishing to make. Do I think that it is true that we are all "caught in cages" of various sorts? Maybe. Do I think that is a politically charged question at the moment and modern literature is trying to subtly (or not) create such questions in a young reader's mind? Yes, I do. Several years ago I was reading a piece of modern literature that had some subtle passage referencing that one character was a homosexual. I remember thinking, "ah! It starts! Publishers will be working to make this the norm and not the exception." In 2015 we find this very much to be the norm and there are usually several homosexual characters present in books. There is no longer any subtly. And why need there be? Better to say it outright and upfront. It's easier to be honest than to lie. Always easier. I wish they had been bolder faster, truthfully.
I have to stop and ask myself about Lilliput
Again, I really don't know what point Gayton is ultimately trying to make. I just pause and question him, "Where are you going with this?" because modern books which are published these days give tips and clues to the direction people are heading. What Gayton wants to make his reader think about is important to know and understand. At the very least, no matter this meaning, I think this book requires discussion between kids and parents.
My only other objection is found in the potty humor, which surfaces a time or two. I marked down the most eye-rolling passage which I really just don't find to be a necessity when story telling. If these are the descriptions that you feel need to be included in order to keep your audience captivated then you might be a flat out bad story teller to begin with. But Gayton is not a bad storyteller. He's a really good one! So why he stooped to passages such as these is a little beyond me:
"Mr. Plinker stank of rot and swamps. The clock maker could always be identified by his farts, which came out in great gut-tearing torrents, as if his trousers had ripped." (Chapter 10, Seventeen Steps & a Stranger, page 60)
My apologies for putting that into your mind. But parents need to know that it's there.
Gayton, if you read this, you have such great talent as a story teller! I'd read any book that was placed into my hands with your name on it. Skip the potty talk. It's really beneath the best and you are one of the modern bests in my opinion.
It's hard to find a piece of middle grade fiction which appeals to a reader's imagination and thought processes. Thanks to the questions about prisons, this book is full of serious questions and a good discussion. Coupled with the fact that it's entertaining and well thought through, it makes for a marvelous book. I wish it didn't include farts but it does. That's my biggest complaint. Will my kids laugh at it? Yeah. But do they need to? The book is good enough with out it.
Would I recommend this book to others? Well, I wouldn't give it as a gift to anyone because I don't know that they would necessarily like it. I think its fantastic for a selective audience but I'd be choosy who I presented it to as a good read because, as I mentioned, there are exceptions that I take to. That said, it is an interesting read and if you think you could overlook the base humor at certain points, give it a read. I'd be very curious for your thoughts!
Many thanks to Peachtree Publishers who sent a copy of this title in order to facilitate this review. I received no additional compensation and, should you have the slightest doubt on the matter, please let me assure you that all opinions expressed above are 1000% my very own.
1 comment:
Jonathan Swift himself had a touch of the potty humor. I read Gulliver's Travels a good many years ago, and one thing that stuck in my memory is an incidence of Gulliver putting out a Lilliputian fire. If you need more details, I'll tell you, but I think you can imagine how.
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