Hello, my friends! I might be a tad late launching the party but welcome to the Annual Lucy Maud Montgomery Reading Challenge held every year in January right here at Reading to Know.
If you are new to this, here is the idea behind the challenge:
Just that. Pure and simple.
Montgomery is my favorite female author of all time and I love beginning a new year with her quiet, spunky, imaginative characters. Despite the fact that her life was far from serene and perfect, she managed to create characters that have made the world laugh and smile for over 100 years. I take pleasure in her books, despite the fact that they are rather formulaic. I find them to be remarkably peaceful. They are quiet reads which keep a slow and steady pace and which continue to draw me back to them year after year after year. If you have not had the pleasure of reading a L.M. Montgomery book, I hope you'll take the time to do so this month. If you are looking for another excuse to take a leisurely walk around Prince Edward Island with some of your favorite friends, well then, please, let me provide that excuse!
I invite you to read any book by Montgomery or about Montgomery as part of this challenge. Audio books are, of course, very welcome as are the first two Anne movies created and produced by Kevin Sullivan. The only two things which never have and never will "count" towards participating in this challenge are the following:
- Before Green Gables, by Budge Wilson. This is a made up history of Anne. It's the imaginings of another author about my most beloved Montgomery character.
- I also do not allow the inclusion of Anne Of Green Gables - The Continuing Story because it's so far off the mark. This movie should be considered Anne heresy and is banned around these parts.
Consider these limitations a host's prerogative if you must. (Heh.)
Everything else is fair game.
What I ask participants in this challenge do is to write up a post on your own blog stating the following:
a.) That you intend to participate in this Lucy Maud Montgomery Reading Challenge;
b.) List which of her books you intend to read (or which movies you intend to watch); and
c.) Enjoy whatever it is that you manage to work through during the month.
I do hope you will join in and be a part of this reading challenge. I so enjoy hosting this every year and always try to learn something new about Montgomery as I read on. If you're planning to read along, please let me (and everyone else!) know in the comment section!
Yep. Count me in!
(So glad you’re back!)
Blogged: http://hopeisthewordblog.com/2018/01/07/l-m-montgomery-reading-challenge-2018/
Good to see you back in blog land! Unfortunately I just filled up my reading plans pretty well full before hearing about this, but I'll take a look and see what I can do.
:) Welcome back! The month is almost halfway over, so I'm not certain I will finish, but I hope to complete Rilla of Ingleside...which means I will finally have read the entire Anne series!
The Blythes are Quoted! You have one more!!! :D
Oh my goodness! I didn't think the challenge was going to happen this year!!! (What heights of joy my heart leaps to in this moment!) ... Is that Anne enough for you?
Well, I must go write up a blog post on the subject now...
My booklist is up: http://inthebookcase.blogspot.com/2018/01/lucy-maud-montgomery-reading-challenge.html
I would like to get involved. Where will our posts be posted? Please let me know.
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